Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Bionic Dog

If any of you have met my dog Bentley than you know how wild and crazy he is. Full of energy, always wants to play and ALWAYS wants to run. Well last night I was taking him from inside the house out to the dog run so I could go to my softball game and he broke off the leash and sprinted out of our yard. Instead of going over to our neighbors yard and eating their cat food which is what he usually does - he ran the opposite way full speed up towards 3rd st. I was chasing him, leash in hand as fast as I could because 3rd st is a very busy st. Well he ran out and I saw the car coming, heard the brakes screech and a loud Boom and then saw Bentley flying through the air. Bentley got up and took off running again. I continued to chase him thru the neighborhood until I found him playing with another dog in someone's front yard. I put him back on his leash and walked back to see if the driver of the car was ok. He was was a little shaken up but not hurt. Bentley seemed fine so we exchanged info and I took Bentley home. I checked Bentley's whole body to see if there were any marks or if he showed any signs of pain, but he seemed fine.

This morning I took Bentley to the vet just to make sure I didn't miss anything and sure enough the Vet gave him a clean bill of health and said he was perfectly fine. I can't believe it. Bentley is truly a "Bionic Dog". First he lived thru parvo as a puppy and now he walks away after getting hit by a car.

On my way home from the vet I swung by the guy's house that hit Bentley so I could see his car in the daylight. Check it out:

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