Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

Sunday we celebrated fathers day at my dads house by having a bbq with our family. My dad is awesome for so many reasons, more than i can list on this little blog... here are just a few reasons why my dad is the best:

1. He is a Rockstar -  music has always been a huge part of my life thanks to the environment my parents created surrounding us with music. My dad has played the guitar since he was a kid and still plays in a band called Cheap Sax http://www.cheapsax.us to this day. When i was in elementary school and jr high i played the flute. My dad could listen to any song on the radio and within 10 min could play it on the guitar and teach me how to play it on the flute. I remember when he taught me how to play stairway to heaven - he wrote out the sheet music for me and he accompanied me on his guitar. i would make my mom listen to us play it over and over... I am glad that my dad still gets to do what he enjoys: playing in his band, rocking out and entertaining people. Cheap Sax has quite a following and they have gigs all over almost every weekend. It is truly amazing watching my dad get to do what he loves.

2. Bob Villa has nothing on him - my dad can build, fix, create anything! Everytime i go to his house he has managed to upgrade something. most recently completely overhauling their guest bathroom. i wish i had a pic to put up but i forgot to take one yesterday. he has completely remodeled his house to make it a beautiful home. I remember sitting out in the garage watching him make a stained glass window for the front door to our house. it must have been at least 15 years ago when we lived on cedargrove. I drove past that house a few days ago when i was back in whittier and the stained glass door is still there shining bright. True quality.

3. Support/advice/wisdom - i was lucky enough to have the support of my dad throughout my childhood and it continues to today. he talked me thru my transition from volcom to matix and lended support and advice. he never missed a water polo game or swim meet throughout my career. He proudly sported his Cal Aquatics sweatshirt to every game to cheer for us and even ended up with a few of his pics in our water polo yearbook. he drove me around all of southern california so i could take pictures for my senior project - my topic was photography and he is a great photographer. He taught me composition, the rule of thirds and how to use shadows to my advantage. He also taught me how to drive when we were out in nebraska for my brothers baseball tournament. i guess he figured it was a rental and what was the worst thing i could crash into... corn? lol

anyway - these are just a few random thought and memories.

i love you dad!

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